My father hates Christmas. We have a picture of him lying on my parents’ couch, wrapped up in a blanket, wearing both a Santa hat and a look of utter...
Catholic Voices
“Do you think Christmas really happened that way?” I asked my friend Brian one cold winter evening at the Catholic Worker farm as we gathered wood for a...
On November 5, 2017, Devin Kelley shot and killed 26 people and wounded 20 others during a Sunday service inside First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs...
In mid-September I spoke at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota where I met with about 25 middle-school students of the local Black Catholic parish...
In the beginning, there was the word. And the word was with God, and the word was God. My faith journey has taken me around the globe. From the Catholic town...
The images of human suffering before nature’s impassive course were riveting, if heartbreaking. After days of torrential rains, thousands were in flight from...
On the day my older brother was due at the draft board our father did not go to work. This was shocking. He always went to work. He never took a sick day. He...
As I entered the second trimester of my fourth pregnancy, my right leg became inflamed with dark purple varicose veins. As the pregnancy progressed and the...
Lord knows that around the world there is no lack of opportunities for peacemaking. We don’t have to go looking overseas for conflicts to resolve; within our...
“God loves us when we try to love.” In this simple quip, Dorothy Day identifies a central message of Christianity. In Dorothy Day: The World Will be Saved by...