I believe in the communion of saints. These words take flesh in the early morning quiet of my apartment. I sink into the worn recliner and flip open my Bible...
Catholic Voices
Where were you on April 15 when you first saw flames tear through the ancient wood roof of Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral? What thoughts and emotions gripped...
The Princeton Review’s dissection of the nation’s top 385 colleges was released in August, and journalists were quick to highlight its findings, many touting...
I had an opportunity recently to sit in on a discussion of Catholic integralism among a number of scholars who have been at work promoting the movement...
The Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region was controversial long before this fall. Self-described orthodox Catholics have worried over its potential...
A teaching evaluation once observed that I was “not afraid of silence” in the classroom. In reality, learning to be comfortable with silence was the hardest...
My good friend John von Heyking published a marvelous book in 2016, The Form of Politics: Aristotle and Plato on Friendship (McGill-Queen’s University Press)...
When I first started going to my parish about four years ago one of the things I was looking for, other than a schedule of Masses in English (I live in a...
On Ash Wednesday we are told to “remember that you are dust and unto dust you shall return.” It can be a bleak message and may be why some churches have opted...
Just as our word “politics” really conveys a richness far greater than the partisan bickering we associate with it, the word “imagination” describes more than...