Arcade Fire (Merge Records, 2013) What do you do after you’ve splashed onto the music scene with a monumental indie-rock sound that sparked boisterous...
Arts & Culture
Hollywood’s recent flood of slavery-themed films might be a sign that our nation is finally ready to confront the sins of its past. Theodore Parker, the...
By Reza Aslan (Random House, 2013) Reza Aslan’s Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth has stirred up plenty of controversy. Some critics fault...
By Katharine E. Harmon (Liturgical Press, 2013) Ellen Gates Starr, cofounder of Hull House and convert to Catholicism in 1920, was frustrated by “the apparent...
By Carol Lee Flinders (Orbis, 2013) In a previous study, Carol Lee Flinders profiled some of the best-known women among medieval Christian mystics: Teresa of...
Here are some interesting new book releases for January: January 2014 Introduction to the Spiritual Life By Louis Bouyer As one of Vatican II’s...
The Head and The Heart (Sub Pop, 2013) Can we agree to stop comparing everyone to Mumford & Sons? Can we just agree to let that go? Every other review of...
Directed by Steve McQueen (Fox Searchlight, 2013) Idyllic sunsets, moss-covered trees, chirping birds—in Steve McQueen’s 12 Years A Slave, this...
As we wrap up 2013 and look ahead to a new year in 2014, some of the U.S. Catholic music reviewers took a look back at some of the top songs of the year. Each...
Elvis Costello and The Roots (Blue Note, 2013) The coupling might raise a few eyebrows, but Elvis Costello and hip-hop outfit The Roots have more in common...