Arts & Culture

Listen: Reflektor

Arcade Fire (Merge Records, 2013) What do you do after you’ve splashed onto the music scene with a monumental indie-rock sound that sparked boisterous...

Read: Zealot

By Reza Aslan (Random House, 2013) Reza Aslan’s Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth has stirred up plenty of controversy. Some critics fault...

Read: Enduring Lives

By Carol Lee Flinders (Orbis, 2013) In a previous study, Carol Lee Flinders profiled some of the best-known women among medieval Christian mystics: Teresa of...

Listen: Let’s Be Still

The Head and The Heart (Sub Pop, 2013) Can we agree to stop comparing everyone to Mumford & Sons? Can we just agree to let that go? Every other review of...

2013: The Year in Music

As we wrap up 2013 and look ahead to a new year in 2014, some of the U.S. Catholic music reviewers took a look back at some of the top songs of the year. Each...

Listen: Wise Up Ghost

Elvis Costello and The Roots (Blue Note, 2013) The coupling might raise a few eyebrows, but Elvis Costello and hip-hop outfit The Roots have more in common...