Arts & Culture

Watch: The Giver

Directed by Phillip Noyce (The Weinstein Company, 2014) It is difficult to explain why a film fails where a book succeeds. Often it is because our imaginations...

Watch: Boyhood

Directed by Richard Linklater (IFC Films, 2014) Nothing happens except the passage of time. A little boy, age 6, opens the film. He lies on his back, head...

Read: Sacred Fire

By Father Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I. (Image, 2014) Ronald Rolheiser returns with the second volume of a promised trilogy. Beginning with The Holy Longing: A...

Watch: Calvary

Directed by John Michael McDonagh (Fox Searchlight, 2014) Calvary, a theological black comedy (watch trailer here), is prefaced by a quote from St. Augustine:...