A creak in the old floorboard announces my presence. The blue-haired cashier twists from her perch behind the counter as I enter the co-op. Her young eyes warm...
Growing up Catholic in Chicago, urban planner Jamie Kralovec has made the study of cities his life’s vocation. For him, it’s a vocation that combines the...
I remember my first radio. One Christmas morning in the early ’60s, I unwrapped a tan, boxlike radio with a sloping face and three dials: an on/off switch, a...
I garden as a spiritual practice, as a practice in humanity and humility. I garden with attention, intention, and (now that I am an elder) the great gift of...
My great-grandmother’s house was full of mysteries. Full of secret rooms and eclectic memorabilia, the house always felt a bit like a treasure hunt. In...
Lucy Maud Montgomerys spunky heroine Anne of Green Gables famously uses the term “kindred spirits” to describe people with whom she quickly senses...
Making the sign of the cross is a gesture that says, in shorthand, that a person is Catholic. It appears as an icon in popular culture, and as a gesture it is...
Around the turn of the millenium, British scholar Emma Heathcote-James set out to collect stories of modern day angel encounters. She placed a classified ad...
In the hundreds of years since their development, the monastic rules of Saints Augustine, Benedict, and Francis have ordered and oriented the lives of monks...
Read the words “Monastic Rule” and images of chanting bearded men in coarsely woven habits, or rows of veiled sisters processing solemnly into a chapel likely...