All they wanted, to be honest, was lunch. Many of these folks had come the day before. That was the day Jesus took a small boy’s picnic sack and served 5,000...
In an earlier era of media broadcasting, the system that produced the radio and TV programming we all enjoyed underwent frequent tests. From 1963 to 1997, the...
Remember February? That was the month before pandemic ensued. Before the social fabric was made into confetti, tossed in the air, and fluttered back together...
It’s impossible to list all the books that New Testament scholar and historian N. T. Wright has written in the space allotted on the facing page. His career...
The phrase “99 and 44/100 percent pure” means only two things to most people. Either it’s the formula for Ivory soap or the measure of Ronnie Milsap’s love in...
In a stroke of luck, I once found a cookbook that I had been planning to purchase—Beard on Bread (Knopf)—in a box labeled “free” along the curb. The best part...
I don’t have a pet. This puts me at odds with the 65 percent of U.S. citizens who choose to share their homes with animals. Forty-four percent of us coexist...
I pulled out a bright green Naugahyde chair from the pile in the sparse room and started down the checklist in my mind. Let’s see. . . . The two bathrooms were...
When the jaw of the 6-year-old girl slipped and her mouth opened ever so slightly, the storyteller knew he had her. She was no longer merely hearing a story;...
Growing up, my siblings and I would take turns arranging the figures in my parents’ large crèche. I liked to display the three magi walking in a procession up...