What did Mary have to do with being Catholic in the pre-Vatican II church? I would not know how to begin disentangling her from the religion of my childhood. I...
Do you own a Bible? I don’t mean in the sense of having one gathering dust on a bookshelf but in the commitment sense of the word own. Can you say...
At night when I exhaustedly flop down on my son’s bed to say evening prayers with him, I inevitably have to curb his tendency to race through the words. The...
I attended evening prayer for the first time at a monastery in upstate New York. I was immediately drawn to it because the service correlates perfectly with...
Although my wife isn’t sure a man can be a feminist, I’m a male feminist. I got to be this way both through conviction and self-defense—I live with three women...
Looking for a daily devotion during Advent? Every day U.S. Catholic will bring you words of wisdom and questions for reflection from different spiritual...
Looking for a daily devotion during Advent? Every day U.S. Catholic will bring you words of wisdom and questions for reflection from different spiritual...
Looking for a daily devotion during Advent? Every day U.S. Catholic will bring you words of wisdom and questions for reflection from different spiritual...
Blessed are you who bear the light in unbearable times, who testify to its endurance amid the unendurable, who bear witness to its persistence when everything...
Listen! I am standing at the door knocking; if you hear my voice, open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me. (Revelation 3:20) In...