The events of recent history that have coincided with the early years of my kids’ lives have one consistent and persistent quality: their capacity to unnerve...
When I dreamt of becoming a mother, I never imagined parenting in strings of broken Spanish. In fact, my linguistic understanding of it was limited to a...
I was 22 years old, wide eyed and earnest in the pew, when I first heard my pastor commission all the parents in the church to teach their children to obey...
After the death of his son Eric in a mountain climbing accident, Nicholas Wolterstorff summed up the dilemma of the grieving parent in his book, Lament for a...
When a childhood friend first told me about the love she had for her foster brother, I vowed to become a foster parent someday. Now that “someday” has finally...
I’ve always cringed when I hear the expression “offer it up.” While the phrase actually refers to something called redemptive suffering—the idea that our...
It might sound a bit cliché to say that St. Joseph is one of my favorite saints. For a long time, it honestly kind of was. When asked that oft-repeated...
Got a burning question? Click here to Ask an Apostle. Q: I want to send my teenager to a Catholic high school, but she doesn’t want to go because all...
When searching the shelves for Bibles and gospel storybooks to share with children, we encounter shelves full of hundreds of brilliantly colored books with...
As the eldest of four brothers, a still-haunting refrain was pounded into my head by my parents throughout my childhood: “Be a good example.” I hated this...