In recent years a number of religious thinkers have begun to speak of Mary as the feminine face of God. Whether they appeal to the history of religions, to...
Growing numbers of Mexican Americans are converting to Pentecostalism from Catholicism, and some are bringing their devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe with them...
A few years ago Sarah Keene found herself at Mass on Mother’s Day quite by accident. She had forgotten what day it was, and she and her husband, who had...
In 2005 in Chicago, a young woman was driving home from work and looked at the wall of an underpass where she saw an image of the Virgin Mary. For a short...
Theology professor Roberto Goizueta offers a crash course on the popular traditions of Latino Catholics. Every community within the church celebrates different...
I will not be attending church this Sunday, because it’s Mother’s Day, and I choose not to be present at that inevitable moment when all the mothers of the...
By grieving with the Blessed Mother, we comfort all mothers who mourn. In my hometown of San José de Gracia in Jalisco, Mexico, church celebrations...
To understand Our Lady of Guadalupe–the powerful story of the 16th-century apparition of Mary to the Indian Juan Diego outside what is now Mexico...
As Cuban refugees in Puerto Rico, my parents made it a priority in our upbringing for my brother Ignacio and me to learn Cuban history and traditions, from...
Our Lady of Charity warms the hearts of Cubans both on the island and dispersed throughout the world. As Cuban refugees in Puerto Rico, my parents made it a...