When a megachurch popped up on the outskirts of Kate Bowler’s town, she didn’t understand why her friends were drawn to its worship. Over time, she discovered...
Health and wellness
Behind the scenes in competitive ice skating, all is not sequins and sweetness in Netflix’s one-season wonder, Spinning Out. The series is compelling for...
Years ago, not long after I graduated from college, my mother gifted me an assortment of patron saint medals that had belonged to my grandmother. As I fingered...
For the first seven months of pregnancy, I made the same comment during every doctor’s visit: “I just want a boring pregnancy.” The youngest of four children...
Trying to write something that would speak to the 2020 election and Catholic voting during this outbreak of novel coronavirus has seemed like an impossible...
At St. Joseph Parish in Seattle, the changes started small. In the early weeks of COVID-19’s quick spread around the country, the parish “tried to be...
Gary Chapman’s bestselling book The 5 Love Languages (Northfield Publishing) is a frequent reference point in our family. Chapman’s premise is that when we...
Stretch, bend, . . . pray? From group fitness classes to mindfulness apps, health and wellness is a part of our cultural fabric more than ever. But where does...
Catholics have a responsibility to minister out of our gifts and experiences, says Deacon Tom Lambert, of the Archdiocese of Chicago. For him, that means...
According to physician Brian Medernach, Catholic doctors have a responsibility to live out the gospel through their work in health care. For Medernach and his...