In the May 2015 issue of U.S. Catholic, Anthony Walton’s article, “When the rich get richer: The dangerous economics of inequality,” cited statistics quoted by...
According to research from Pew Charitable Trusts, high-quality prekindergarten education increases a child’s chances of succeeding in school—and even as an...
Families can experience growing pains when confronted with the challenges of adopting a child. The first step in successfully navigating the process is knowing...
Although it is often depicted in movies and media as being a common practice, international adoption into the United States has actually been in a sharp...
If the last year was a bit rocky for your family, this long New Year’s weekend might be just what you need to get back on track. Find a cozy time and talk as a...
A Christmas tree can spruce up our preparation for the holiday. Christmas trees are a big deal in my family. To avenge her parents’ annual store-bought tree of...
When I was about 7, the family next door took me out for ice cream. This was a rare treat because they chose Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors, not the local frozen...
Directed by Shawn Levy (Warner Bros., 2014) Following the death of the Altman family’s patriarch, his four children travel home to join their mother...
Your child is approaching school age and you and your spouse want to give him or her the gift of a Catholic elementary education. Then you look at the tuition...
Social media is great for keeping in touch, but some moments are more meaningful when experienced offline. This summer I became well acquainted with the value...