Before hiring a worker in your home, ask the following questions to make sure you’re taking care of your caretaker. In September 2013, the Obama administration...
Economic justice
Deemed indispensable by the families who hire them, why are domestic workers excluded from legal protection? When Juana Flores first arrived in the United...
Pope Francis recently said that he wants bishops who are pastoral, not ideological—in tune with their people, “shepherds living with the smell of the sheep.”...
An end to global poverty and suffering is in sight, but much more work remains. In a world awash with suffering and sorrow—the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe...
The real bread of the Eucharist has plenty to say about people starving while others eat $17 burgers. Chicago has recently experienced an unholy attack on the...
What is the cost of being poor in America? Researchers have long known that because of a broad reduction in retail and other consumer choices experienced by...
We lay off teachers and nurses while we hire for prisons, casinos, and fracking. This is progress? At least once a week in my daily newspaper I see a full page...
How much do workers have to celebrate this labor day? The summer of 2013 may go down as one of the most scorching in recorded history. The blazing sun broke...
Stuck in the job hunt with seemingly few prospects? Maybe your parish can offer some advice. Peter Durek had lost all hope. For the six months after he...
Finding a job can be hard work. Try these five steps for using your church in your employment search. Many experts agree that the most important aspect of...