Unpaid workers of the world unite! OK, as a rallying cry, that could use some work, but it’s not bad as a simple descriptor of a growing and troubling...
Economic justice
During my two weeks in Ghana, there was virtually no rain. In mid-July, the fields of Northern Ghana should already be teeming with corn, their second crop...
Despite working hard, thousands of families are struggling to make ends meet. Last summer more than 20 community groups, labor unions, and social justice...
When we think of labor unions, we often think of the millions of construction workers, truck drivers, hotel employees, nurses, and janitors employed by private...
We had been conversing pleasantly when the bus driver turned to me and said, “I never meet people like you on this bus.” I wanted to ask what he meant, but I...
If you attend a labor union meeting or a rally for workers’ rights anywhere in the country, don’t be surprised to spot a Catholic priest in the crowd. Priests...
In January, McDonald’s ran a TV spot for the Big Mac. It ridiculed foods currently popular with gourmands, including kale. “All vegetarians, foodies, and...
The Hebrew word for the poor is anawim, which in the Hebrew Bible literally means “little breaths.” Thinking of the poor as “little breaths” calls attention as...
Why has the church gone silent in the face of recent attacks on organized labor? Indiana’s bishops recently issued a letter deploring the continuing poverty in...
In the May 2015 issue of U.S. Catholic, Anthony Walton’s article, “When the rich get richer: The dangerous economics of inequality,” cited statistics quoted by...