Care for creation often falls low on the list of priorities for the majority of Christians, with many even vocal that environmental stewardship isn’t a...
Ecological justice
“Rural matters,” says James Ennis, executive director of Catholic Rural Life. For 94 years, this organization has bridged the gap between urban and rural...
Theology professor Celia Deane-Drummond thinks creation care is just good theology. “It’s a fundamental part of our faith,” she says. “It’s not just a marginal...
Practicing Catholics the world over understand the importance of giving up something for Lent. The typical Lenten sacrifice includes perennial favorites such...
I am in my garden, squatting in the dirt like a medieval peasant, as around me rise the complex smells of lichen and mineral, exhalations of earthworm and...
Driving on a paved road not far from home last summer, I saw an injured snake, hit by a car, stuck by its open wound to the road. It was curling and writhing...
Every summer, my family and I spend a couple of weeks driving across the country to visit destinations we have never been to before. Last July, our annual road...
The images of human suffering before nature’s impassive course were riveting, if heartbreaking. After days of torrential rains, thousands were in flight from...
1. Commemorate the people whose land your church is on. Shantha Ready Alonso says that parishes can start working toward creation justice by being mindful of...
For Shantha Ready Alonso, the fight for environmental justice goes back to the 15th century, to the doctrine of discovery, a series of papal bulls that started...