“God loves us when we try to love.” In this simple quip, Dorothy Day identifies a central message of Christianity. In Dorothy Day: The World Will be Saved by...
The people of Capim Grosso, Brazil taught me to dance. Jesuit Father Dean Brackley helped me make sense of the experience. At the time I was a 21-year-old...
When Betsy Mulligan-Dague went to her first Veterans Day remembrance ceremony in Missoula, Montana in 2005, she worried that if the veterans recognized her as...
By Thomas E. Blackburn The article was originally published in the August 1972 issue of U.S. Catholic Every time I start wrestling with the question...
Bureo is a native Chilean word meaning “waves.” A search online for sustainable skateboards, sunglasses, or bamboo utensil sets reveals Bureo—the company—in...
Eight sets of young, eager eyes gaze up at Carol Ruddell. The Utah Sunday school teacher is about to dive into a lesson on the Eucharist. She clears her throat...
Feminist is a loaded word. Some women, mostly white and many well into middle age, claim the label proudly. Younger women are apt to shrug it off. Women of...
No is a word we should use more often. Perhaps the most difficult no I ever pronounced happened while I was in the U.S. Navy, stationed in Washington, D.C. I...
“Love is patient; love is kind.” So begins the world’s most popular wedding reading, one we have heard so often it no longer grabs our attention. No longer...
“I’m convinced that my life has to end now, early as it seems, because I have fulfilled my life’s mission. I wouldn’t know what else I have to do on this earth...