May 2020
VOL. 85, NO. 5
Scroll through the Table of Contents to view what’s in this month’s print issue. Some articles are available only in the print issue: Subscribe today to get full access to all the material you see listed below. And remember to sign up for our weekly email so you never miss an online article!

Christ in full color
by Father John Christman, S.S.S.
Through her art, Laura James has shaped Catholic worship in the United States for more than 20 years.

Lord, hear our prayer
by Teresa Coda
Prayer isn’t a magic cure, but people testify to its healing power.
Here is our mother
At the foot of the cross, Mary stands with all grieving parents.
Braided together
At the altar of a church, four women—two from scripture and two from the pews—stand together.
Our Peace, our world
By Meghan J. Clark
Build a world based on love, not fear.
By Kevin Clarke
Pope Francis has a dream.
Expert Witness

Tell me about it
an interview with
Natalia Imperatori-Lee
At the foot of the cross, We must listen to the storiesof Catholics around the globe, says this theologian.
Wise Guides

Poet and prophet
Find a new look on life with the poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.