Top Articles of 2020

Ten of the most popular articles on this year.

St. Brigid offers healing for today’s divided world

How an ancient Irish saint confronts injustice, teaches peace, and offers hope in troubled times.

Giving Voice (from print)

How young women religious are changing the church

The future of the Catholic Church is female.

LGBTQ ministry is for the good of all, says Father Bryan Massingale

Ministry to LGBTQ persons is about who we are and what we represent as Christ’s body.

More Catholics choose ‘green burials,’ hoping for a lighter footprint

Green burials affirm that death brings new life.

Sister Helen Prejean_credit Michael Lionstar

Sister Helen Prejean says check your (white) privilege

The eye-opening experience that sparked her lifelong commitment to justice.

Required reading: A Black Catholic syllabus

A reading list on the history of Black Catholics in the United States and their contributions to Catholic theology, history, and activism.

In Pope Francis’ new book, Christ is peace in a raging storm

This new book from Pope Francis gives hope and encouragement to endure the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jeannie Gaffigan: Faith, motherhood inform my vote

Is there room for a pro-life Catholic in the Democratic Party?

How Catholics can work for racial justice

It’s time for white Catholics to stop being defensive and have hard conversations about faith and race.

Pandemic life may make mystics of us all

Will extraordinary circumstances and collective crisis put us in touch with eternity?

Image: Unsplash

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