Why the new Mass prayers may be confusing. I was leading a group discussion on the merits of the renewed liturgy of Vatican II when John, a middle-aged...
U.S. Catholic has helped Latinos claim their rightful place in the church. Part of a series on U.S. Catholic’s 75th anniversary. There’s been a...
At the end of 1968 a poet and an artist looked back on a tragic year. Part of a series on U.S. Catholic's 75th anniversary. The December 1968 issue of U.S...
How U.S. Catholic got its start 75 years ago This year marks the 75th anniversary of U.S. Catholic magazine, and throughout 2010 we will dig into our...
Every doctrine or practice familiar to Catholics has a history of its own, and some official expressions of church teaching are quite recent, such as the...
In the 11th century, St. Anselm of Canterbury described theology as fides quaerens intellectum, “faith seeking understanding.” A monk who eventually served as...
On Aug. 6, 1976 Dorothy Day was invited to address the World Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia. The date of her talk was, of course, the Feast of the...
You have spoken out strongly in favor of canonizing Dorothy Day. How is she a saint for today? Dorothy herself had a tremendous veneration for the saints. Her...
Simply defined, to sin is to say “no” to God. It is a rejection of God’s free gifts as well as the grace-filled relationship that God always offers. It is to...
We need the example of this woman who tried to live the gospel in the modern world. Imagine this: A grumpy associate pastor rushes into the sacristy to prepare...