In this first installment of a two-part meditation, we are reminded of Abraham's "daddy issues." Even this exalted father of faith had a rocky...
An attorney and charter member of the National Review Board sizes up the U.S. church’s progress on sex abuse over the last 10 years. [Read more from Nicholas...
Rethinking John Paul II's theology of the body. On 129 occasions between 1979 and 1984, the late Pope John Paul II shared his reflections on...
Panels reviewing sex abuse allegations help dioceses get their houses in order, but they are only as effective as the information the bishops give them. Jim...
The very word confession conjures up all kinds of stories and images, but those who go to confession know that it is a source of holy comfort and blessed...
Two years ago, we ran a survey asking women religious to respond to the Vatican investigation. While we’ve yet to hear an official response from the...
Respondents to a U.S. Catholic survey on the Bible are confident when it comes to scripture, but even they recommend reading the Good Book with knowledgeable...
Though some may see him as the grump of the New Testament, St. Paul is full of surprises. What’s the connection between St. Paul’s First Letter to the...
In a 1995 episode of the popular TV drama The X-Files, FBI agent Fox Mulder—a true believer in extraterrestrial life—has a quick exchange with his partner Dana...
I don’t usually think of Jesus’ crucifixion when passing the sweets table, but there it was: A big rich dark chocolate cake adorned with white...