For our Sounding Board column, U.S. Catholic asks authors to argue one side of a many-sided issue of importance to Catholics...
Peace & Justice
Around 2 a.m. on November 6, once it was clear what the election outcome would be, I finally went to sleep. It was not a restful night. Every time I woke up, I...
In recent presidential election cycles, “law and order” has dominated U.S. political imagination about criminal justice. When most Americans hear the phrase...
With Election Day just a few weeks away, it can feel like polarization, both in our country and in our church, is at an all-time high. And with the United...
’Tis the season for apocalypse! Another church year ends this month with the Solemnity of Christ the King. Our final scripture readings will brim with end-time...
A few months ago, during the readings for the 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we encountered a gospel story in which Jesus pacifies a raging storm (Mark 4:35–41)...
Former President Donald Trump often describes the current presidential election as the “final battle.” That phrase begins one of his campaign ads and was part...
As a nation on edge grapples with a gamut of socioeconomic challenges, a powerful political party, desperate to maintain power, seeks a new target. The...
My daughter has always been terrified of bugs, but she likes to help me in the garden. Earlier this spring, as we turned the soil to prepare our garden for...
Growing up, I had no television, so we rarely had a chance to watch political debates. But today, watching these events is a family affair. We’ve seen debates...