When Jesuit Father James Martin speaks to groups of college students, he often imitates a presider at Mass droning the Alleluia in a dull monotone, as if he...
In the Pews
On March 19 Pope Francis issued a new apostolic constitution for the Roman Curia, the offices that help him govern the Catholic Church. Praedicate Evangelium...
A preacher’s job is harder in the 21st-century United States than in many other places and times. Imagine attending a liturgy and hearing the gospel preached...
The Indigenous Alaskan Yup’ik people have 30 terms to describe the color of snow. When Father Stan Jaszek began ministering to them, he only knew one of the...
The Springtide Research Institute has spent the past few years studying the religious inclinations and spiritual yearnings of what sociologists call Generation...
As the synodal consultation process gets underway, I’ve heard from several diocesan lay leaders throughout the country about how concerned they are that this...
In March 2021 FutureChurch hosted a talk on women in Catholic media, hosted by Heidi Schlumpf, executive editor of the National Catholic Reporter. Schlumpf...
Because my father died early in the pandemic, while much of the world was in lockdown, his funeral was a virtual event. The only in-person attendees were...
One year ago, at the start of Lent 2021, I put my foot down. There would be no fasting, no penance, and no “giving up” this year, I decided. Like many other...
The Catholic dioceses in the Appalachia region of Kentucky have a tradition of pastoral letters. While the first two letters were written by the bishops of...