During the late spring of this unforgettable year, the United States became embroiled in a debate over how to respond to the novel coronavirus pandemic...
Catholic Voices
In 2001 I celebrated my first Mass as pastor of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Kingston, Jamaica. The church was filled with music, fellowship, and...
If you’re a regular consumer of media, you’ve surely reached your saturation point of hot takes on the cultural implications of the novel coronavirus. Within...
Larry Cohen, a Queens, New York weekend warrior of the hoops variety, pulled me aside after a game. “You are one of the whitest people I know,” he said. This...
Recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic will require some difficult personal and institutional soul-searching. Families will have to reevaluate consumer choices...
I live in the epicenter of the American COVID-19 pandemic—Queens, New York. We lived through 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy, yet the pandemic feels different. An...
As quarantines and stay-at-home orders roiled the United States and nations around the world in late March, in a matter of days more than 4 billion...
Once on a bus ride through the lush green hills of Jordan, on the side of the road I saw a border collie like mine. It was standing quietly next to a young...
I’ve always been drawn to the Catholic liturgy,” a (non-Catholic) friend of mine once told me over breakfast, “but I can’t get past the Trinity. Three persons...
From death sprouts new life. I walk among trees that know the pain of dying. The wise elders that live in my local arboretum weather their share of storms...