Larry Cohen, a Queens, New York weekend warrior of the hoops variety, pulled me aside after a game. “You are one of the whitest people I know,” he said. This...
Catholic Voices
Recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic will require some difficult personal and institutional soul-searching. Families will have to reevaluate consumer choices...
I live in the epicenter of the American COVID-19 pandemic—Queens, New York. We lived through 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy, yet the pandemic feels different. An...
As quarantines and stay-at-home orders roiled the United States and nations around the world in late March, in a matter of days more than 4 billion...
Once on a bus ride through the lush green hills of Jordan, on the side of the road I saw a border collie like mine. It was standing quietly next to a young...
I’ve always been drawn to the Catholic liturgy,” a (non-Catholic) friend of mine once told me over breakfast, “but I can’t get past the Trinity. Three persons...
From death sprouts new life. I walk among trees that know the pain of dying. The wise elders that live in my local arboretum weather their share of storms...
Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people? If someone asked you this question...
Easter morning, I got a text from a reporter who covers religion for the Washington Post. She had seen a Tweet from me the day before about an Easter letter...
We tend to want problems to stay solved once we solve them. In political life, this means that we generally think about law as a permanent solution to problems...