What is it about an inquisitive little wooden puppet that dreams of “being a real boy” that pulls at our heartstrings? Is it his innocent wonder at the world...
Arts & Culture
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery Directed by Rian Johnson (Netflix, 2022) The years between 1920 and 1940 were an era of extreme income inequality, excessive...
Remembering Why We Preach By Karla J. Bellinger and Michael E. Connors, C.S.C. (Ave Maria Press, 2022) How can preaching foster encounter between God and a...
Orson Scott Card has written that the world of science fiction is like the stable in C.S. Lewis’s The Last Battle: much larger on the inside than the outside...
Poor Pretender Long Mama (Self-released, 2022) Though delayed by the pandemic, Long Mama’s debut album, Poor Pretender, feels right on time. Its homespun blend...
God’s Country Directed by Julian Higgins (Cold Iron Pictures, 2022) “Let’s learn his language . . . if he only understands the language of a rifle, get a...
A Theology of Migration By Daniel G. Groody (Orbis Books, 2022) A Theology of Migration: The Bodies of Refugees and the Body of Christ achieves a balance that...
Old Time Folks Lee Bains and The Glory Fires (Don Giovanni Records, 2022) The day this fourth album from our greatest left-wing Southern punk-rock band...
The following is an excerpt from The Habit of Poetry: The Literary Lives of Nuns in Mid-century America (Fortress Press, May 9, 2023) “You hold me only when...
A television series doesn’t have to tell all the truths about life, so it’s forgivable that Netflix’s Firefly Lane is a bit myopic in its narrative of two...