“In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men...
Young adults
One year ago, at the start of Lent 2021, I put my foot down. There would be no fasting, no penance, and no “giving up” this year, I decided. Like many other...
Not long ago, a well-meaning Catholic leader deeply embedded in social justice initiatives told me that young people would be less hopeless about the climate...
Got a burning question? Click here to Ask an Apostle. Q: I want to send my teenager to a Catholic high school, but she doesn’t want to go because all...
In 2010 a series of deaths by suicide began in the interior Alaskan villages surrounding Tanana, a community of approximately 200 people, most of whom are...
On April 18, 2021 nearly 100 students gathered in near-freezing temperatures at Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota for a prayerful vigil...
Barbara Dane loves middle schoolers. She’s been working with adolescents in a youth ministry capacity for more than 20 years. Before that, she taught seventh...
On Tuesday evenings, a group of young adults streams into a storefront on Chicago’s North Side that doubles as an art gallery and events venue. They settle...
The very first Mass I attended scared and confused me so much I’m still surprised I went back. I was about 16 and it was a LifeTeen Mass at the local...
My husband, John, and I are newly married and also new residents of a smallish town in central Connecticut, where we work in adjoining dioceses. During this...