I remember the following from the life of 14-year-old me: A search for something larger and more meaningful than the place and time I occupied A voice that...
When weepy Mexican women embrace you in a small, dimly lit chapel, it’s hard to find appropriate words to greet their emotion. And when you speak broken-at...
The November night I dedicated my life to Christ—the night I let go—was the night I devoted myself to my career. Faith and craft became one. Standing on a...
In fourth grade, to Sister Clarita at St. Raphael’s Elementary School, I announced I would be a writer. Had I known about jobs with more status and better pay...
Catholic women are finding their vocation in nonprofit organizations. During her time in Hebron, Palestine, Cory Lockhart carried alcohol pads in her pockets...
Have you ever wondered why a religious sister chose to join the Dominicans instead of the Poor Clares? Or why a priest entered a religious order instead of...
Grandma always said, “There isn’t a pot so crooked that you can’t find a lid to fit!” I don’t ever recall my grandmother actually saying this, but when my dad...
According to Deacon William T. Ditewig, deacons are called to do their work outside the walls of the church, “connecting the dots” between a parish and a...
Even after nearly 50 years, the permanent diaconate still confuses some people. If deacons aren’t priests, are they laypeople? No—they are ordained. Some...
In honor of National Catholic Sisters Week—and may I just point out that the church celebrated an entire Year of the Priest in 2009—I would like to debunk the...