Note: All 13 episodes of Daredevil were released for instant streaming on Netflix on April 10. This post discusses the entirety of the series without major...
TV and film
When it first became available in early 2013, the Netflix original series House of Cards lost me at the prologue. The show, with its ultra-cynical take on...
Directed by Yann Demange (Roadside Attractions, 2015) The political thriller ’71 opens with soldiers training in the English countryside to be deployed...
"The Truth Behind" National Geographic (Story House Productions, 2013— ) If asked to guess what one of the most popular shows on Netflix is...
Even if you empathize with the film’s main character, American Sniper is still a one-sided tale of what some call America’s greatest foreign policy disaster. A...
When scandal looms, who are you going to call—Olivia Pope or Pope Francis? “Thank God it’s Thursday!” my television announces, and I find myself entranced by...
Directed by Stephanie Soechtig (Atlas Films, 2014) Here are two telling facts from Fed Up, a documentary on American childhood obesity now on DVD: 1. Eighty...
Meet the many different portrayals of Jesus It’s not always easy for Catholics to develop a relationship with Jesus, as some try to mold the Son of God...
Directed by Kenneth Branagh (Walt Disney Studios, 2015) There’s something great about 5-year-old boys. They are so unformed, and yet, their opinions are...
Directed by Ava DuVernay (Paramount Pictures, 2015) What happens when a man stands up and says enough is enough? When that man is Martin Luther King Jr., a...