At the risk of sounding cliché, there is something special about football Saturdays at the University of Notre Dame. Whether you have zero interest in...
I stood more than 4,000 feet above sea level—close to one mile. As I approached the Johnston Ridge Observatory in the Cascade Mountains, the world opened up...
The Springtide Research Institute has spent the past few years studying the religious inclinations and spiritual yearnings of what sociologists call Generation...
Along with almsgiving and prayer, fasting is a central Lenten practice. More recently, fasting has emerged as a popular secular dieting practice too. Thanks to...
May his memory be a blessing. I found myself repeating these words—a rabbinic phrase that originates in the Jewish tradition—to a Jewish colleague as we...
I recently wrote on the various models Pope Francis offers to call us to work toward unity in the church by engaging those we disagree with. If effectively put...
My mom kept a plastic bottle of holy water by the front door of our home and another on the bureau in my parents’ bedroom. Every day she would use the water to...
When Justina Hausmann Kopp found out she was pregnant with quadruplets, the joy of conceiving a child now carried with it a daunting new dimension. “I had to...
I recently helped a friend move some exercise equipment. Mighty heavy exercise equipment to be precise. Exercise equipment that had to be taken apart in one...
As a child, my siblings and I eagerly anticipated Christmas. Poring through the Sears catalogue, we wrote our letters to Santa and composed our lists to give...