In the online Catholic multiverse, there exists a digitally painted reimagining of the coronation of the Blessed Mother by Dani M. Jiménez, a 20-year-old...
When I was 13, I crashed while attempting a new tumbling pass at gymnastics practice. I spent the night in the hospital and woke up with a cast stretching from...
Apathy is not a virtue. But it is an understandable reaction to a world plagued by a changing climate, ongoing violence, and the constant spread of hate and...
This year marks the 400th anniversary of the canonization of St. Teresa of Ávila (1515–1582). Such a milestone is a fitting occasion for exploring and...
One of the least appealing pastimes that I’ve allowed my toddlers to develop is looking at the camera roll on my phone, an activity that they refer to as “Look...
A search of #catholictattoo on Instagram yields thousands of results. Our Lady of Sorrows cries juicy tears on biceps; rosaries snake down forearms and wrists;...
I have a personal confession: I am terrible at resting. I am reasonably good at making time for friends and fun outings, but I often do it at the expense of...
I was not the most diligent kid when it came to participating in the Mass. As soon as my family entered the church one block away from our home, I would grab a...
This past semester I had the opportunity to teach a yoga class to my honors Foundations in Theology students in the chapel on my university’s campus. As I...
When I was the current age of my Generation Z grandkids, the person I admired most was my vibrant Lutheran pastor. He knew all about the pent-up energy of...