“Jesus said to him, ‘If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven’ ” (Matt...
It’s Lent again. The anniversary of pandemic. It was this time last year that Petey came into my life unbidden. She left the same way. Coming and going, this...
On a crisp mid-September morning, the last high clouds are burning off to reveal clear blue sky above the dewy fields. The air smells of the wet earth...
Exactly one year ago, the pandemic ended the weekly way of the cross and other Lenten activities that required in-person gathering at the parish of Betty...
If I ever wanted a project to succeed and bear much fruit, it’s this one. And if there’s such a thing as an evangelical Catholic, Father Mike Schmitz is one. I...
The heart is the boss of us. This is certainly true when we fall in love. It’s equally obvious when we’re consumed by rage or sorrow. Joy puts a dance in every...
I’m happy to report our lectionary makes no use at all of this contentious passage from First Corinthians. In fact, the entire 14th chapter of that letter, in...
In late 2002 one of my publishers called me on the phone in a panic: “The pope is killing me!” he moaned. Publishers rarely phone. This was serious. The...
When 2020 started, I thought it was going to be my year. Everything was lining up perfectly: I’d ride out the first few months of the year in a job I didn’t...
How good is your Hebrew? Never mind: Even linguists find it tough to translate the word for what Eve means to Adam. That’s as it should be. What men and women...