Harriet Tubman: Visions of Freedom Directed by Stanley Nelson and Nicole London (Firelight Films, 2022) Harriet Tubman: Visions of Freedom, streaming on PBS...
Regenesis By George Monbiot (Penguin, 2022) George Monbiot’s central contention in this disturbing and bracing book is that farming is slowly killing the...
Work Pray Code By Carolyn Chen (Princeton University Press, 2022) How do tech companies maximize the productivity of young, highly skilled employees in Silicon...
Tár Directed by Todd Field (Standard Film Company, 2022) Todd Field’s powerhouse drama Tár topped the list of 2022’s most thrillingly original films. The...
Midnights By Taylor Swift (Republic Records, 2022) Standing astride the pop firmament, probably more relevant than she has ever been, in Midnights, Taylor...
The Shepherd’s Story By Jimmy Dunne, illustrated by Ivan Kravets (Loyola Press, 2022) Christmas is the perfect story of encounter. I realized this when I was...
Swinging on the Garden Gate By Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew (Skinner House Books, 2022) When I opened Swinging on the Garden Gate, I was expecting a sort of...
Rising: Learning From Women’s Leadership in Catholic Ministries By Carolyn Y. Woo, Ph.D. (Orbis Books, 2022) “Dr. Woo, do you think women’s leadership in the...
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Developed by J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay (Amazon Studios, 2022) Catholic tradition has always held evil to be a...
Little Demon Created by Darcy Fowler, Seth Kirschner, and Kieran Valla (FXX, 2022) Little Demon is equal parts bildungsroman and spiritual farce. The pilot...