By Robert T. Reilly This article appeared in the June 1985 issue of U.S. Catholic (Vol. 50, No. 6, pages 6-12). Eddie Deleon tells a good joke about prayer...
Seven steps to simpler (and better) prayer. By Michael Paul Gallagher This essay appeared in the May 1990 issue of U.S. Catholic (Vol. 55, No. 5, pages11-13)...
One of the most valuable experiences from my boarding school days—and one that has remained with me—is the habit of formal prayer. I remember praying the Nunc...
Years ago my sister found herself explaining death to her young son. She tried to present the startling truths in a reassuring fashion. “Well, honey, everyone...
A few years ago, on an incongruously cushy tour bus with plentiful opportunities for shopping, I made a pilgrimage to Assisi. We had Mass every day and visited...
The young woman shared her difficult history, her crippling grief. Then she asked, “So what’s a chaplain again?” Hospitals, especially hospital emergency...
Opportunities for spiritual growth—even contemplation—can occur almost anywhere, at any time. St. Ignatius of Loyola speaks about finding God in all things...
Sister Nancy Sylvester has grown accustomed to the fact that life often takes unexpected turns. When Sylvester entered the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate...
After spending 20 years meditating on a number of visions, Julian of Norwich developed a deep understanding of God and produced her famous work, Revelations of...
Prayer can be mysterious—in particular, other people’s prayer can be mysterious. In our November issue, we went ahead and asked six brave souls to reveal the...