When weepy Mexican women embrace you in a small, dimly lit chapel, it’s hard to find appropriate words to greet their emotion. And when you speak broken-at...
Every week, hands plunge into the earth at St. Benedict the African East Catholic Church in Englewood, a neighborhood on Chicago’s South Side. Around five...
In the U.S., orphanages have long been phased out. Today social services are in place to support families and orphaned and other vulnerable children are cared...
“Am I too late?” the young woman asked frantically as she ran into the community center. The WellnessWorks Mobile Food Pantry was closing for the day, but...
“All those who want to go to Ecuador to mainly build houses, please raise your hands. OK! All those who have raised their hands, please stay home! Now...
The people of Capim Grosso, Brazil taught me to dance. Jesuit Father Dean Brackley helped me make sense of the experience. At the time I was a 21-year-old...
In the beginning of Katherine Quinn’s sophomore year at Boston College she made a decision that changed the way her next three years would unfold: She started...
The year after I graduated from college, I was an Augustinian Volunteer on the South Side of Chicago. For 10 months I worked with low-income pregnant mothers...
Every minute, 24 people across the globe leave their homes behind and become refugees—roughly 24 per minute, according to the United Nations Refugee...
Las Posadas began the night I drove into downtown El Paso, Texas, my Subaru crammed with everything I thought I’d need for a year away from home. I’d been...