There is room in the church for all human beings, no matter which way your sexuality tilts. Rome is an amazing city. I lived there as a college student years...
How one community struggles with the Boy Scouts' anti-gay policies. Last fall, when he put on his scout uniform for the first time after the summer break...
For most of the 20th century, movies and television have cast gay and lesbian characters as deviant bad guys. But as attitudes in the larger public change, so...
Morrison, a Roman Catholic man, a former gay activist, and veteran of over a decade in a same-sex relationship, argues against the church's condoning of...
In this 1997 article that accompanies the one above, one Catholic argues that same-sex marriage would allow the church to encourage more loving, nurturing, and...
A deep and tempestuous gulf divides orthodox Catholic teaching and the beliefs of many gay and lesbian Catholics. "Someday," Gina Marie says quietly...
Official statements calling gays and lesbians "disordered" and "violent" do little to make them feel welcomed and respected in the church...
A junior high teacher yearns to be a positive gay role model in her Catholic school. But she wonders, "Does the church love me as much as I love it?"...
Defying the current scapegoating and stereotypes, a priest shares his journey and struggle. My Roman collar caused Mrs. H to hesitate. She knew I was gay, but...
Many gay priests have served and continue to serve our church well. Let's not make them scapegoats for the sins of others. In our church and in the media...