If you’re anything like me, your time spent in the confessional often features more than a little sinful déjà vu. No matter how frequently or infrequently I...
Home Faith
“Mommy, why aren’t you happy just the way God made you?!” When my 8-year-old daughter posed this query with tears streaming down her face, it was a punch to...
Don’t you just love it when someone tries to help you gain perspective—perhaps by pointing out the proverbial silver lining or sharing their own experienced...
The events of recent history that have coincided with the early years of my kids’ lives have one consistent and persistent quality: their capacity to unnerve...
I’ve always cringed when I hear the expression “offer it up.” While the phrase actually refers to something called redemptive suffering—the idea that our...
It might sound a bit cliché to say that St. Joseph is one of my favorite saints. For a long time, it honestly kind of was. When asked that oft-repeated...
As the eldest of four brothers, a still-haunting refrain was pounded into my head by my parents throughout my childhood: “Be a good example.” I hated this...
If I ask you to imagine the middle child of the Brady Bunch—Jan—shaking her head and lamenting “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia,” can you picture her knitted forehead...
In my final trimester of pregnancy with our firstborn, I followed all of the Prepare for Baby instructions provided enthusiastically by friends, strangers, and...
One of the finest fruits of this now multiyear global pandemic has been the extended time it allowed me to spend with my three children. By working from home...