The evening before I was to lead a day-long workshop on “Our Universal Call to Care for Creation,” I asked my parents if they would listen to my keynote...
Ecological justice
From death sprouts new life. I walk among trees that know the pain of dying. The wise elders that live in my local arboretum weather their share of storms...
Many people are familiar with the Book of Genesis referring to humanity’s “dominion” over the earth (1:28). We often misunderstand this to mean we humans have...
With the unexpected passing of their daughter, Beth and Ken Coleman of Chula Vista, California appreciated the option of burying her in much the same way she...
Pope Francis offered up his dreams for the Amazon in an apostolic exhortation, Querida Amazonia (Beloved Amazonia), published in February. Meant to share...
As most Catholics know, January 24 was the 47th March for Life in Washington, D.C. This year, as I have in previous ones, I decided not to attend—not because I...
I took a class on “ecowriting,” and the first assignment was to pull some weeds. It was an unseasonably hot and humid October, so I chose not to pull the weeds...
Do you ever notice what you don’t see? Hang with me—I know the question seems strange. Those of us gifted with the ability to see count on our eyes to alert us...
Blank calendar squares that suggest a relaxing autumn disappear when the November page is pulled. In December we go from flurries to a full-blown snowstorm of...
In May 2015 Pope Francis released Laudato Si’ (On Care for Our Common Home). In his second encyclical, the pope urges Catholics to be mindful of their...