To our modern ears the idea of heresy seems quaint and medieval—involving technical arguments about abstract matters. But I contend that heresy and its cousin...
Church history
Catholics need to lighten up and see the bright side of sometimes being the butt of jokes. It wouldn’t hurt to laugh at ourselves once in a...
The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), whose members are commonly known as “Lefebvrites” after their founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, is a group of about...
1760s-70s:Inventions of the “spinning jenny,” “water frame,” and “spinningmule” replace handwoven textiles—and workers—in...
With the middle ages came the imperial papacy, the rise of powerful feudal lords with secular interests, and a contest over who ultimately controlled the...
How dissenters from Galileo to John Courtney Murray have helped the church to see more clearly. Dissentt! It is not a nice word. It makes you think of other...
What does it mean to be a “doctor of the church”? Who has been designated this title and why? A doctor of the church is a person whose teaching on...
The development of Christian family values is a central aspect of Christianity's ongoing self-interpretation in the 20th century. That development is...
Sometime in the late 12th century a monk named Guigo, the second prior of the monastery of the Grand Chartreuse in France, wrote to his friend Gervase about...
In the year 373 The See of Milan fell vacant and the emperor dispatched Ambrose, governor of the province and scion of an aristocratic Roman family, to...