’Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring; well, except for Billy, the psychopath hiding in your attic. No...
The Shepherd’s Story By Jimmy Dunne, illustrated by Ivan Kravets (Loyola Press, 2022) Christmas is the perfect story of encounter. I realized this when I was...
I look out my front window and see the nativity scene in my neighbor’s yard. Another family a few doors down also has their crèche out, complete with a star...
Readings (Year A): Isaiah 62:1 – 5Psalms 89:4 – 5, 16 – 17, 27, 29Acts 13:16 – 17, 22 – 25Matthew 1:1 – 25 Reflection: Our...
Got a burning question? Click here to Ask an Apostle. Q: My mother always wants a Christmas list from my daughter, but my wife and I are trying to avoid...
Two years ago, our options for being physically present with one another became limited to nonexistent. The pandemic upended our lives while also revealing to...
When I taught New Testament to high school juniors, I always looked forward to the unit on the infancy narratives of Jesus. One of my favorite assignments...
What do you bring to a baby shower? Your relationship to the child or their parents may influence the decision. If it’s a coworker’s kid, likely you buy a cute...
Most of us have seen Christmas pageants where children dress as the magi wearing crowns and carrying gifts, while those watching sing the carol, “We Three...
The incarnation is grounded in intentionality. Think about it. God chooses to be revealed not as a conquering king, an aggressive tyrant, or even a political...