Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) was named Speaker of the House of Representatives last week, following the resignation of Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), who struggled with...
Author - Stephen Schneck
Nobody is talking about it, but the Democratic Party is in dire straits—really dire straits. Its future depends on a sweeping reorientation, both toward its...
My dad died in 2008. He joined the National Rifle Association (NRA) when he came home from Korea and was a member for the rest of his life. Dear Dad, I’ve...
Pope Francis has challenged Catholics with the Gospel’s call to engage the world from the perspective of those at the bottom and on the margins. He invites us...
Wow! With the visit of Pope Francis, what an amazing time to be Catholic in America! Will it change things? Yes. The Catholic Church in the United States will...
Is anti-Catholicism again becoming mainstream in America? Catholic ridicule is fair game these days for comedians and artists, for Broadway shows and talk...
The scuttlebutt around Washington is that Pope Francis wanted to come to the United States next week by walking across the border from Mexico, but that...
My dad and both granddads were union guys. Dad worked in factories his whole life, except for a few years of military service during the Korean War. One of my...
Floating about in right-of-center Catholic circles these days are several worrisome and closely related ideas for the role of the church in public life. Some...
On September 24, Pope Francis will address a Joint Session of Congress; he is the first pope to receive this honor. He will stand at the dais with Speaker...