Dec 19

A reflection for Advent: Stars light on


Looking for a daily devotion during Advent? Every day U.S. Catholic will bring you words of wisdom and questions for reflection from different spiritual writers. Click here to get them delivered to your inbox daily!

“Like Very Men”

How will you have stars? In you, your eyes
that lead others a chase merry and weary?
But fair weeps to unfair, eyes dim early.

Lucky the child stars light on, you say. Kings
undergo deserts to him, cheerfully shoulder
whole sacks of toys. But lucky the boy


is a silly word. Look the great planets
in eye, that spelled out brazen
happy birthday Christ: and were liars

seeing kings rode off his page and died easy:
while stars, or their degenerate sons, no comfort shed
but shied and hid, like very men, from that hillside.

Daniel Berrigan, Encounters

Reflection questions:

Do you seek comfort in the grandeur of the stars and the universe? Or is it unsettling to know the same stars the three wise men saw when searching for Jesus are those you look at today? How, this Advent, can you reflect upon your role within the greater universe?
