Visiting seven churches in the late hours of Holy Thursday is sure to awaken the spirit. The travels of faith depend on many means of transport. Elijah took...
The Bible is considered the inspired word of God by the faithful. So you have to wonder: where did it come from? With all the writings floating around the...
Last year, with the creation of the personal ordinariate for Anglicans, more people became aware of the presence of married clergy in the Catholic Church. Long...
“I believe in an America where… there is no Catholic vote, no anti-Catholic vote,” declared John F. Kennedy. But today some wonder whether U...
Flesh and blood deserve equal billing with spirit and soul when talking about human nature. The children next door are sidewalk theologians—in their...
The question of exactly when the eucharistic gifts become Christ’s Body and Blood has commanded attention and debate for centuries. From the supper at...
During Christianity’s earliest centuries, an era of official persecution of Christians, church and state were not only separate but opposed. Then in the...
“Lead us not into temptation.” Christians have prayed these words so many times, it’s easy to slide over their meaning, but they are a bit curious...
We shouldn’t get hung up on the details surrounding Jesus’ birth, says this Bible scholar. As with any scripture story, there’s more here...
The issue of women priests may be a settled matter, but that doesn’t mean a woman can’t serve the church as a deacon. Celebrating the opening of the archives...