Fifty years after the game-changing Second Vatican Council a new generation helps the church respond to today’s signs of the times. Father Benezet Bujo...
Fifty years after the game-changing Second Vatican Council a new generation helps the church respond to today’s signs of the times. Here, professor Phyllis...
Before the obligatory “Ave Maria” and a crazy aunt leading “YMCA” at the reception, guests at a Catholic wedding witness “a covenant by which a man and a woman...
Catholic teaching says that what's mine is yours when it comes to ownership of private property. Catholic social teaching used to be called the...
Jesus has his normally crowded itinerary this month. In our Sunday readings he’ll be lecturing his disciples on why they don’t need more faith—they just need...
Even if St. Francis of Assisi wasn’t an environmentalist in the modern sense of the word, Keith Warner, OFM finds modern Catholics can learn a lot from...
In its 75 years U.S. Catholic has also covered the global church. Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana shares with us how we are all connected. When Cardinal Peter...
Fifty years after the game-changing Second Vatican Council a new generation helps the church respond to today’s signs of the times. Here, Scott Appleby...
How parishes can successfully navigate this election year and promote faithful citizenship. The year 2008 was a tough one for preachers. In March a video of...
Catholics are valued voters for the candidates because they take their faith and their role in democracy seriously. In a 2008 U.S. Catholic survey, though...