After giving one of the three plenary addresses on the Eucharist at a gathering of the Catholic Theological Society of America in 1997, church historian Gary...
On Christmas Eve 1223, St. Francis created the first nativity in the Italian city of Greccio. With the help of a local nobleman, Francis celebrated the birth...
Fifty years after the opening of the Second Vatican Council, the church faces new challenges. In this final installment of a three-part series, Father Myles...
Fifty years after the opening of the Second Vatican Council, the church faces new challenges. In this final installment of a three-part series, Edmund Chia and...
When President Dwight Eisenhower laid the cornerstone of the National Council of Churches building in New York in 1958, David L. Holmes stood in the crowd of...
Fifty years after the game-changing Second Vatican Council a new generation helps the church respond to today’s signs of the times. Father Benezet Bujo...
Fifty years after the game-changing Second Vatican Council a new generation helps the church respond to today’s signs of the times. Here, professor Phyllis...
Before the obligatory “Ave Maria” and a crazy aunt leading “YMCA” at the reception, guests at a Catholic wedding witness “a covenant by which a man and a woman...
Catholic teaching says that what's mine is yours when it comes to ownership of private property. Catholic social teaching used to be called the...
Jesus has his normally crowded itinerary this month. In our Sunday readings he’ll be lecturing his disciples on why they don’t need more faith—they just need...