Anyone who has ever driven more than 60 miles with small children in the car, sat in a pediatrician’s office with a toddler eagerly anticipating their...
Our Faith
The Advent calendar is one of the few traditions from my Catholic childhood that really took root in my own children’s lives. The Jesse Tree, which I had loved...
I turned in a tiny, twin bed to see the digital clock: 4:30 a.m. I accept with a groan the realization that in less than an hour, I could be dressed and in...
Being the oldest of four brothers, I have found the bond of siblinghood to be a tremendous blessing in my life. Like any healthy relationship, it takes a...
“I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mixed with fire and those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name standing beside the...
It’s not without some degree of pride, and equal parts delight, that my children’s most requested bedtime song at the moment is the Litany of the Saints. I...
Take, Lord, receive . . . my memory. —Ignatius of Loyola As kids—up to seven of us sharing two bedrooms—we were each Mother-apportioned one cardboard carton in...
“We are all called to be saints,” Dorothy Day is often quoted as saying, especially these days as the church considers her own canonization, “and we might as...
On June 24, 2023, at 9:17 p.m., my internal schema of people most dear to me rearranged itself to make room for our family’s newest member: an impossibly sweet...
American Catholics sometimes feel conflicted about Halloween. The very name is a contraction for “All Hallows Evening,” but somehow a Christian vigil for the...