Directed by John Michael McDonagh (Fox Searchlight, 2014) Calvary, a theological black comedy (watch trailer here), is prefaced by a quote from St. Augustine:...
Arts & Culture
The Secret Sisters (Universal Republic Records, 2014) Nothing quite divides audiences like country music. Some love it. Some hate it. Even those who love...
September is still summer, right? Pick up these good reads and keep your summer reading list going: September 2014 Francis of Rome and Francis of Assisi: A New...
Directed by Pawel Pawlikowski (Music Box Films, 2014) Pawel Pawlikowski’s gorgeously shot film about the odyssey of a young Polish nun offers a...
By John Cornwell (Basic Books, 2014) John Cornwell normally subscribes to the conspiratorial school of Catholicism, as demonstrated by his books Hitler’s...
By Pope Francis (Loyola, 2014) At the time of Pope Francis’ election, few of the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires’ written works were easily...
Broken Bells (Columbia Records, 2014) In the 2004 dramedy Garden State, Natalie Portman’s character hands Zach Braff’s Andrew a pair of headphones...
As much as we don't want to admit it, summer is starting to wind down. Read these before August is over: August 2014 Beloved: A Collection of Timeless...
Flesh may be weak, but our skin is what holds us together and keeps us human. Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to computer systems that can do things we...
Directed by Josh Boone (Fox 2000 Pictures, 2014) There’s no getting around it: This is a movie about kids with cancer. It’s going to make you cry...