Deferring infrastructure maintenance for war spending builds a bridge to nowhere. After watching coverage of the minneapolis-St. Paul I-35W bridge collapse...
War and peace
As the election crisis in Kenya continued Claretian Missionaries around the world received an update from one of their own, Kenyan native Father Robert Omondi...
While much of the world has closed its eyes to the genocide in Darfur, Catholics are helping refugees and spreading the word about the tragedy. Along with his...
Among the many victims of the Iraq war have been our own fellow Catholics. I have a confession to make: Back in 2003, when the Bush administration...
Just as government officials have been struggling to find the right course of action in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, Catholics-both here...
For most people, moving from New York City to a three-block town in the New Mexican desert might seem like a step toward relaxation. But John Dear, a...
A few months after Israeli soldiers deported the men of his village, 9-year-old Elias Chacour climbed the hills of Galilee to talk to his friend and champion...
Catholic college students get schooled in peace and protest at the annual School of the Americas vigil. "Close it down!" Patrick Eccles, a...
Alice McDermott is a writer who likes to get to the heart of things. With her captivating prose and her ability to walk the fine line between nostalgia and the...
Franz Jägerstätter paved the way for those who object to war by following a higher order. In April 1974, while serving at the U.S. Navy base in...