To our modern ears the idea of heresy seems quaint and medieval—involving technical arguments about abstract matters. But I contend that heresy and its cousin...
War and peace
In Catholic classrooms and Ugandan villages, Patrick Corrigan strives to learn how to heal wounds of violence. In 2007, six months after his college...
Could ending our adoration of oil be the key to a peaceful future? Has the idea of American exceptionalism finally run its historical course in the big muddy...
How violence takes a toll on our kids. As a firefighter and a police officer, Annette Nance-Holt and her ex-husband, Ronald Holt, knew the dangers of the city...
High-tech warfare administers death from a great distance. We heard a lot over the early years of the late (once and future?) War on Terror about weapons of...
In 1980, in the midst of a U.S. funded war the UN Truth Commission called genocidal, the soon-to-be-assassinated Archbishop Óscar Romero promised history that...
Few writers of the past century have had as big an impact on so many people as Thomas Merton (1915-1968). His readers ranged from popes to high school...
The growing Kenyan church responds to the challenges of a young democracy. “Our mother, Kenya, we love you so much; we need you again,” sing the...
Among the many victims of the Iraq war have been our own fellow Catholics. I have a confession to make: Back in 2003, when the Bush administration directed our...
Iraqis are on the move away from their broken nation. Who will be responsible for them? In the buildup to the Iraq invasion, then Secretary of State Colin...