The world needs a wake-up call to save a population at risk of meeting a violent end. What is happening today in the Nuba mountains is exactly a carbon copy of...
War and peace
We shouldn’t let sensationalized crime become an occasion of sin. I once heard a bishop explain to confirmation candidates what it means to, in the words of...
For Catholic millennials the past decade of war has mostly remained out of sight and out of mind. Caleb is a 22-year-old Navy veteran who headed to boot camp...
The attitudes of young Catholics toward the military conflicts of the last 10 years spring from a complex web of influences that include demographics, church...
The human cost of the war on terror burdens those who fight it. Americans have grown accustomed to the long list of injuries suffered by the veterans of the...
The U.S. armed forces are looking for a few good men-priests-to serve Catholics in uniform. But some question whether Father should rank among military...
Arguments for U.S. military action in Iran feel like a case of deja vu all over again. The dangers of war erupting this year with Iran are the greatest they’ve...
Franz Jägerstätter paved the way for those who object to war by following a higher order. In April 1974, while serving at the U.S. Navy base in...
A decade after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, U.S. CATHOLIC readers share their memories, regrets, concerns, and hopes. When Mary Ellen Kelly heard that a plane...
Faith on the line in Iraq and at home “There are no atheists in foxholes,” the World War II adage goes. Certainly Catholics who have faced war in...