The Perfect Game directed by William Dear (HighRoad Entertainment, 2009) When is the last time you saw a great baseball movie–the kind that...
TV and film
Letters to God (Mercy Creek Entertainment, 2010) Ever wonder what happens to the letters children mail to Santa? Imagine the dilemma the mailman faces...
The Blind Side Directed by John Lee Hancock (Alcon Entertainment, 2009) When the subject of homelessness is brought up, as it rarely is in polite conversation...
They called themselves the "plain people" and are characterized by their distinctive lifestyle and dress. The Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania...
Precious: Based on the novel Push by Sapphire Directed by Lee Daniels (Lionsgate, 2009) Black is beautiful. Black, obese, poor, functionally illiterate...
Stories about Queen Elizabeth I make extraordinary drama because her reign shattered the patriarchal myth that ruling a kingdom was a man's job. But...
Up in the Air directed by Jason Reitman (Paramount Pictures, 2009) The most unbelievable thing about Jason Reitman's slick black comedy is that there...
In 1929 Al Jolson told audiences of The Jazz Singer that they hadn’t heard (or seen) nothin’ yet, and he was right. They hadn’t seen Judy...
Where the Wild Things Are (Warner Brothers, 2009) Almost 45 years after Maurice Sendak's dark little fairy tale first saw the light of day director Spike...
Would you like a demonstration of the Catholic belief that everyone has a right to the beauty of God's creation? Visit a national park. This October...