Advent is the liturgical season of vigilance or, to put it more mundanely, of waiting. During the four weeks prior to Christmas, we light the candles of our...
"Al-salamu alaykum!" That's the voicemail greeting you get when Scott Alexander is out of the office. Alexander, the director of the Catholic...
Learning scripture in the land of the Bible changes the way you read it, says Sister Laurie Brink, O.P., who leads study tours to places such as Bethlehem...
He thought it would be easy to buy a Bible, a birthday gift for a godchild. The bookseller directed him to section 41. There he found more than 35 linear feet...
Last year in our Parish Church, I preached on Father's Day. I'd never before given a true in-the-pulpit sermon, but I was there as a sort of expert...
Maybe you've heard them since childhood and know them by heart, but what do some of those Old Testament stories really mean? A son betrays his father. A...
Will Saint Paul’s letters to the Romans play in Peoria? In an interview, Father Joseph Fitzmyer, S.J. offers clues to understanding the evangelizer whose...
The development of Christian family values is a central aspect of Christianity's ongoing self-interpretation in the 20th century. That development is...
It must have been about the time I was chopping up the melon for my one-and-a-half-year-old daughter's breakfast that the angst set in. Here it was Good...
Sometime in the late 12th century a monk named Guigo, the second prior of the monastery of the Grand Chartreuse in France, wrote to his friend Gervase about...