Sometimes the toxic waste is not just in babies' diapers. The samples reviewed by the researchers at the Washington based Environmental Working Group...
Health and wellness
The preselection technology that will advance the future's construction of the perfect child already exists. Prefertilization genetic screening and...
It’s a common scene in any hospital. A person is rushed in with a life-threatening condition. Family members wait in the emergency room. Two doctors...
Ravaged by HIV/AIDS, women and children from a South African squatter camp find hope at a volunteer-run clinic. Two years ago Selinah was lying on a mat...
The patient is ailing, the prognosis is poor. It's the nation's major medical emergency. There is an epidemic running through the nation's body...
Myles Sheehan has two jobs that cause him to walk with death on a regular basis: One, he's a doctor specializing in the care of old people; two, he's a...
On a Sunday afternoon in spring, in the fading light of a church sacristy, a friend told me he was going away for a few weeks. And he needed me to know why...